I'd Rather Be in the Studio!

This year I have made it a priority to work on personal projects. Ever since the Creative Capital workshop I went to a few months back I've really been rocking and rolling kicking my work into high gear. 

Per the suggestion of my twitter friend and artist consultant Kesha Bruce. I picked up a copy of Alyson Stanfield's book I’d Rather Be in the Studio, and HONEY! LET ME TELL YOU HOW GREAT THIS BOOK IS!

It's really easy to set goals for yourself, but then you have to have a plan to actually make that goal happen right?! This book is that plan. It's a straight how to resource guide, where I found myself rolling up my sleeves and getting right down to business. Its clear, actionable and to the point. Its exactly what I needed. I reference this book often. If your an artist finding yourself in a situation where you are stuck and need to move forward I would suggest you pick this one up.

Well, I beg your pardon, first of all dont you speak to me like that... (ok even if you dont laugh I just made myself chuckle) 

If you don't want to make the jump yet, you should check out Alyson's Blog www.artbizcoach.com.  (I own the book, and I still read check out the blog often) There is a lot of great information there! It's actually because of a post I read on Alyson's blog (many years ago) where I acted on a suggestion Alyson made. Alyson's suggestion was that an artist should get involved in her community. It was that suggestion that lead me to find (an eventually serve on the board) of organizations such as ASMP and APA . In essence I owe a thank you to Alyson for my involvement with them, which has been an invaluable experience.  THANKS ALYSON GIRL!!! WOOT!

BTW,  I'm telling you about this book because I thought it was great and wanted to tell others I thought it was great. No one asked me or paid me to write this, besides I live in Illinois and Amazon doesn't support affiliate links for us Illinois folks so now you know I'm telling the truth. It really is a great book, check it out! 

Thanks for reading

Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series!!!!- YOUR SUPPORT IS REQUESTED

I recently entered the Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series, a competition for visual artists to have the opportunity to exhibit their work at the ever so awesome Miami Basel. I found out about the contest last year through fellow artist Keisha Jordan and decided to participate this year. I was skeptical at first about the contest only because of the voting structure, but I have to say it has been really fun and interesting to include my family, and friends in this process, and they really want to support! It’s been really cool to see. I am not sure what the outcome will be but for now, I am just excited to have a few pieces of my new work out there and getting feedback about it.

So now, here is my pitch (aw come on you knew it was coming)

I could use YOUR  support on my new body of work, 3 of my pieces are
3 of my pieces are running in a contest with the winner being chosen to exhibit in the 2012 Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series!!!!
Check them out, vote for one, vote for
them all, just make sure you VOTE EVERYDAY

Thank you and of course pass along to all of your friends

Stephanie Graham, Studio Blog. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.