Music Video Festival.. Guess Who is the Director?

Sooooo.... in the middle of being on hiatus from my film gig, traveling and grinding out an art career.. I somehow managed to become a film festival director! I'm so excited and want to announce AUDIOGRAHAM FEST, a music video festival. 

Music videos seamlessly bridge visual with music duh! So this is an opportunity for music video directors to celebrate their best work! So I'm excited to create and have the first AudioGRAHAM fest.

I will get into details and the process at  another time but I really wanted to just get the word out about this festival!! Its going to be so much fun!

The Festival is September 29, 7pm at the Comfort Station.

Submission Guidelines:
All videos are fair game, they just have to be creative and UNDER 6 MINUTES
To Submit your video please click here
Deadline to submit is July 20 so get a move on it as the festival is juried.

Thanks for reading!

Stephanie Graham, Studio Blog. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.