If there is any photographer that I could model my career after right now, I would have to say, Michael Grecco. Well, let's rewind that a little bit because there are tons of photographers whose careers I would love to mimic, but Michael is a new addition to that list. So last night I went to see Michael speak at Studio 415 on Huron. He's on this tour promoting his new project, Naked Ambition: An R-Rated Look at an X-Rated Industry. Naked Ambition is a photography and film project that Michael has been working on for six years. I was excited to hear Michael speak about his work and absorb all I can during his two-hour lecture. Michael spoke so passionately about his work, and I loved that. He spoke of how he concepts his ideas, how he talks to clients, and his subjects. I could tell that he may have been annoyed with the low attendance, and he seemed to get annoyed when this woman would blurt out random obvious questions about his technique, but all this foolishness made for an excellent presentation. I loved it! I was so inspired, I made notes about things he would say and random ideas that would come to my head. It was so exciting to feel creative and begin to put things into perspective for myself and where I wanted to go in my photography career. OOOoooooohhhhhHHHHH I am getting goosebumps just thinking of what is to come. Do you ever get those rushes through your body that make you feel success is coming, and everything is going to be good? Well, that's how I feel !!!
After the lecture, I was supposed to have a committee meeting for ASMP; somehow it turned into me having dinner with Michael Grecco!! Along with other superstar photographers Ken Frantz, Benjamin (Benny) Kende, and Robert Potter. It was funny four older white men sitting around talking, and my black ass just sitting there looking pretty and listening, I obviously was the baby of the group, since I haven't been in the business as long, but whatever. I chimed into conversation whenever necessary, but for the most part, this was a night of listening and mental note taking. I caught glimpses from others in the restaurant's, of course, people wondered who was this random, GORGEOUS black woman with all of these white men?? How does she fit with these guys? To the Gawker crew at tables 7 and 32. Go back to your Ravioli special trick and mind your business, I don't have time for such curious glances; I am on my way to the big time LOL!
I just felt so inspired last night to have been in the company of such awesome people, after such an impressive lecture.
Yeah! Go Me!
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