The Chicago Artist Coalition, is this wonderful artist organization that I have been a member of for maybe like 1 or 2 years now. CAC is very much about educating artists about different professional practices, as well as educating the general public about the importance of visual arts to society. To sum it up the CAC is really dope for artists. I've really learned from them, how to step up and just put myself out there in this art world
I received an email from Olga, the executive director of CAC, about being nominated for the Chicago Artist to Watch program. Whoa!!! This is purely God. I mean, I dont really consider myself to be such an artist that would be chosen for such a honor. I mean, I am not really the type of deep photographer with super deep focuses on huge ideals, but maybe its exciting that people see my work for more than just a hot chick standing on a corner or something. I feel that my work is pretty literal and it comes from me and my surroundings. I must say that I am pretty excited about this, until I learned that I have to give a lecture about my work. OH MY GOSH!, please someone shoot me now. I haven't given a speech since my basic public speaking class during my sophomore year in college. Perhaps this is the type of discipline I need for the year. All of this work with the CAC has really made me focus on my photography especially the ,
documentary projects that I want to begin. Sometimes I just need a little push, and CAC has given me that.
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