Hey!!! It's October 1st!!! New month, new beginning and new GOALS. I am always trying to reset my life, and so I look forward to the beginnings of new months. What sucks is that I have had a cold since Sunday so I am not bringing in October has healthy ready to go kind of girl. Its all good though. I am welcoming October. October is also my birthday month OCTOBER 20!!! Same day as Snoop Doggy Dogs Birthday !!! I know thats the best thing in the world. I am going to be super attentive to whats going on this month because in 19 days I will be 26 and I am like OMG!! What is to beceome of my life Yikes 26!!! eeek !!! I am getting up there. If you are reading this you may be older than 26 and be like um..... Stephanie get a grip but really its scary getting older to me no matter what my age. I still feel like I am 19. Today on the 1st I am just going to sit and think of some monthly goals of what I want to accomplish this month and for my 26th year, as I sip on this Tylenol Cold and get myself back to 100%.

Enjoy your day!!! Enjoy this month

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