Team High End or Team Cheapo?

I love Leslie Burns-Dell’Acqua. For those that don’t know “Auntie Leslie” as I like to call her, is a fabulous photographer’s consultant. You should check her out. I have worked with her before and we really hit it off well.

Her website is:

Well today on her blog she had a wonderful post that I just had to comment on Today.

Today’s blog topic was about picking a team and she has two choices:

1. Team High End

2. Team Cheapo

Whose team would you want to be on?

I am on Team High End for sure. Always striving to provide great customer service to clients, make beautiful images, having a talented crew, and amazing food (Thanks Mom). Making sure I am resourceful and helpful to my students at Harrington the list can go on and on and on. Then I got to thinking, this whole Team High End/ Team Cheapo theory can be applied to everything in my life as well as my photography. When I am picking out props for personal projects I can either go Team High End or Team Cheapo. You just have to think what’s going to look the best. If I am on a blind date, as I consider my thoughts on the random fella, is he Team High End or Team Cheapo.

The value of your work, your art, your life should I approach it Team High End or Team Cheapo

Auntie Leslie has opened my eyes to a whole new way of thinking.


I have no idea why I call her that I just started with something and that was that. I feel it’s a sign of respect. I look up to her as a business woman, and I want her in my close circle, so that’s where the whole Auntie thing comes from subconsciously I guess.

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