Chicago Tonight!

If you are in Chicago tonight, you should definitely come check out my client/friends Remeka Sullivan and Jermaine Pearce of the event/marketing firm 80s babies First Friday Live party at the Funky Buddha Lounge!! I can guarantee that it is going to be a great time! I'm really excited and looking forward to it! I am never in town for their events and I am FINALLY home in Chicago tonight. I had the opportunity to photograph a promotional shoot of the wonderful duo a while back (I still need to upload these images to my site, so stay tuned, bad I know) They supported me, so duh I MUST support them. Besides, who misses a party?! I DON'T!   So since you're reading this blog to support me, you should support them too!!

Hope to see you tonight.

As for the rest of my weekend... I am working on a film. Art Department/Set Decorating stuff again. Ahhhh the life of a power girl.

Thanks for reading

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Stephanie Graham, Studio Blog. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.