It's Who You Know...

Yesterday I met with my accountability partner discuss goals for the year and the progress we have made thus far with our art business and projects. I cant tell you enough how important having a partner to help through all of this is, she is smart,talented, funny, knowledgeable and of course INVALUABLE to my art practice.  Each time we meet, we listen to each other to discuss everything we have going on, we discuss work goals, fitness goals, art goals its all up for grabs. We congratulate each other as well as help each other with challenges, it keeps momentum in my world and thats important.

So anyhoo, one of my partners goals for 2013 is to continue to build and foster relationships with people in the art community. Awesome!!! Building relationships and keeping them consistent is the foundation of alot of goals, especially in arts and media so I was all for it.  Stephanie Graham the Career advisor kicked in and I introduced Deirdre to the RELATIONSHIP ACTION PLAN. A relationship action plan, or RAP as my girlfriend Mikey and I call it is a strategic plan on who you need to meet and how you will meet them to help you reach your goals. I think the term was coined by Keith Ferrazzi, a strategic consulting guru. 

We all know how beneficial it is to write out your goals, but it is good to have an idea of who is going to help you get there, so be sure to include a RAP into your plans too! It will take some research, LinkedIn searches, phone calls and emails but it becomes a lot less intimidating to do these things when you have a plan with action steps in the mix.

Try it! I found a really good article here about how John approached his RAP plan.

Good Luck!! 

I Heart Mighty Text

So.. I lost my iPhone, no wait I take that back.... someone stole my iPhone at my birthday shindig. ( stolen eases that pain that I really couldn't be so careless, you understand, PLUS I really do think it was stolen). AT ANY RATE that was in October and since I have to wait until February for my contract to renew to get a cheaper phone, (Can you believe AT&T wanted me to pay $250 for to early upgrade PLUS the cost of the phone HECK NO! I will wait until February thank you very much). So I ended up snagging this my first smartphone style Android to use while I wait for February 1st to come . 

So having spent the last few months as #TeamAndroid, I wanted to share my love for the app MIGHTY TEXT. It's Android specific and its AWESOME!!  In a nutshell Mighty Text allows you to text directly from your laptop. It has been my savior for me to keep in contact and have conversations with those friends that who no longer believe in the telephone , my buds who are on set and unable to talk and of course, my little sisters who really should be awarded worlds fast texter. (Is texter a word?)

Bravo to the fellas that put this together its really a gem.

Check it out for yourself let me know what you think!!

How Not to Act When a Co-Worker is Laid Off

HAPPY 2013!! We did it! We are here, so lets make the best of it! 

As I was saying in my last post,I was recently laid off, a wild and overwhelming experience that surprisingly seemed to effect my co-workers more than it affected me. So I had some insight about this experience that I wanted to share with you. Just in case you find yourself in this situation here are my thoughts on "How Not to Act When a Co-Worker is Laid Off". 

A few more I forgot to mention after a discussion from me and some girlfriends:

*Dont tell me to steal office supplies in a joking matter
*Dont ask me for my office chair or other supplies on my desk
*Do say that you are "sorry this happened" or " Lets go have a drink and forget about it, My treat"

Have you ever been laid off and experienced this? What are your Dos and Dont's? Tell me in the comments

Thanks for reading and watching :)
Stephanie Graham, Studio Blog. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.