The August Break 2013

I dont know about you, but this summer has been sort of cray (in a good way). I've been busy completing a body of work, trying to find time for play, hanging with family and  I'm currently in production on a Hollywood Feature. Nothing to fancy, just feeling really good about keeping a good pace and being productive.

So I came across this fun project called "The August Break" a photo exercise thats hosted by  author and photographer Susannah Conway. Katrina Tan of Pugly Pixel created the badge for The August Break too! Its beautiful right! I read her blog too she is *singing voice* amaze balls!

So the goal basically of The August Break is just to share images and take a break from the words. As productive as I've been i've slacked on getting content up on my blog as much as I want. So my goal with this "break" is to just have fun and share, but you can get the "official" details here

You should participate too! If you don't have a blog its all good you can share them on your Instagram, Facebook, yourself there are no rules, except to have fun,

Looking forward to sharing.

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Stephanie Graham, Studio Blog. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.