Barbara Bear Television Network

I went to school with Barbara Bear, she was EVERYTHING she had red hair, freckles, dark eyeliner and a boyfriend named Darrin, she was before her time and deserves to be honored. Also, her name was Barbara Bear, I cant think of a more fun name to say over and over again.

When Jesse Malmed invited me to be apart of his art exhibition Outside Jokes I knew this would be a great time to honor my old high school schoolmate.

I'm excited to present the Barbara Bear Television Network a series of my own film projects I programmed for AcreTV in conjunction with Jesse Malmed's Outside Jokes exhibition with Demo Project.

Program Includes:
Much Needed Advice with Cliff Zimowski
Nathan's Black Kid Table
Wendy's So This One Guy

The program plays in a loop for 15 minutes live on now through December 31.

You can watch it right now, right here

APA Chicago Instagram Takeover

APA Chicago has invited me to take over their Instagram feed and of course, I said yes! I love Instagram! 

So next time you're on IG, please stop by and give me a shout!


I'm all for trying out ideas and see where it goes, I have ideas for days, some of them are great and some of them... my friends are like Nah Steph that's not good LOL

So imagine my happiness when my girl Dee and I found ourselves once again talking about the soulful queen Anita Baker and it ended up with us joining forces and collaborating on a mixtape and pin together.

What is crazy timing is that at the same time our pin was getting complete Andre 3000 came out with an article sharing his love for Anita Baker! That was wild, read about it here, and also Andre 3000 is pretty amazing soo is just a good read.

So our project is ready and you can check it out here:

or if you are interested you can buy the pin here

and/or just go straight to Trendee's mix here

Have you ever taken an idea and ran with it?
Whats your favorite Anita Baker song? 

Would love to hear abut it, and let us know hwat you think about the mix and pin too! 

Takin' a Social Media Break

So I did it yall, and I decided to leave social media....
I made a video about it too and of course wanted to share it with you.

So yeah.. we will see gang how this goes. I want to use this break to be in my studio and also have some spiritual time.

Here we go!
I would love to hear about any break you've decided to give yourself...

As always thanks for watching

Leaving Social Media... Maybe

 These Three Things is a blog series, where I share three things I think you might find helpful, interesting or funny, Enjoy!

Sooooo I've been thinking of taking a break from Social Media. Now, I've never really thought of myself as an addict or someone that hangs out on these platforms all day or anything, but I am def multiple time a day go there and check type of girl. Besides, saying addict just sounds sooo soo nasty you know.

I never even thought of a break until a friend of mine told me that she was going on a social media fast, and with all, that's been going down in my studio lately I've been thinking hmm should I do that too.

As an artist or anyone with a career goal we all know social media is king, so to leave that feels like I'm leaving money on the table or something. Tons of people take social media breaks though so its a thing,

Anyway, so I thought since I'm thinking about this, you might be also; maybe you have completed a social media break or detox and can share your experience? Either way for this week These Three Things I'm sharing social media detox resources.

I hope this is helpful as I know it will be for me. I will let you know what I decide. Also, I hope you enjoy your Weekend!


PinTastic Success!!

It was such a good time being a resident artist for the Smart Museum Family Day event. I made this video that I share on my Facebook Page and YouTube channel, but of course, I am sharing it here with yall:

Parents and Folks with Kids! Check out Family Days at the Smart Museum of Art it's a good way to hang out with your family, get some culture and make something amazing!

Get the details here: 

Here are some of the buttons that we made :

A post shared by Erik Peterson (@eriklpeterson) on

Check out my Instagram where I posted a few of the buttons we made

Pin Tastic Projects at the Smart Museum

I was invited by the Smart Museum to be an artist in residence for their Family Day event series, and of course, I excitedly replied yes!

I've been making these buttons and pins with my Graham Cracker Pin Co. project and #NewGlobalMatriatrchy so we settled on making pins and buttons for the next Family Day. 

So I'm pretty excited about this and would love for you and your family to join me, to make a button. The event is 100% free, so bring your family or yourself for an afternoon of fun.

Here are the details:
Saturday, Septemeber 9
1pm- 4pm

You can find additional details here:

SBE Board Meeting April 17th

Hey Yall! If you're around tonight I'm having a board meeting for my project The Selected Black Experience Council. I would love to see you there!

April 12-18th , 2017
2912 N Milwaukee Ave (Storefront) 
Chicago, IL 60618

The Selected Black Experience Council (SBE) is an exclusive organization invested in giving non-blackallies the opportunity to engage in black culture.

SBE Board Meeting
Monday, April 17, 7:15pm

The SBE Board will be meeting on Monday, April 17th to discuss the final criteria on how to award a non-black ally access to the Black race.
This is a big item on our agenda, so we ask that all board members attend.

If you think you have valuable input on whom should or should not be given a black pass we need your attendance is mandatory.
Come in ready to roll up your sleeves for an engaging discussion.
Who, How, Why do you allow a pass? Please come willing to discuss.

In addition to finalizing these criteria we also will be putting the finishing touches on this year's leadership breakfast!

Pins, Photos and Videos... my Conversation w/Lezley Davidson

I was recently interviewed by Artist and Artist consultant Lezley Davidson.  I was really excited when Lezley asked to speak with me because when I was really starting to zero in and focus on my art Lezley's podcast was one of the first podcasts centered around art that I began listening to to me this was a big deal!
In this interview, Lezley and I discuss art (of course!) politics and my new project around Pelle Pelle jackets! It's just a little over an hour so open a new tab on your computer and zone out while you get some work done.

More details here.

Stephanie Graham, Studio Blog. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.