These Three Things: Podcasts

I'm starting a new blog series called "These Three Things". Here I will share, three things I think, you might find helpful and interesting. Oh, and of course some of this stuff is just for fun :) Enjoy!

I listen to a lot of podcasts, especially when I'm in the studio. From marketing, pop culture, social media, photography, and personal stories, podcasts are like curating my own personal NPR. Kicking off this series, I'm going to share three of my favorite podcasts that I'm listening to right now.

Rosh Sillars
If your all about being a creative mogul like me, then Rosh Sillars needs to be in heavy rotation on your podcast list. What I like about Rosh is that he is honest, why he is educating us on social media tools for digital marketing and business strategies, he's applying the same tools to his own business and sharing the results. Its a wild ride this art life and Rosh is sitting right next to you.

Half Size Me
I know its all about setting priorities when it comes to physical fitness, but real talk it can be tough sometimes finding the time for quality exercise. I've read it all, about baby steps, making small goals, and losing the all or nothing attitude, which I'm guilty of. However, there is something about the Half Size Me podcast that is so perfect for me, because you actually hear from real people whom have achieved their weight loss and fitness goals, despite having crazy schedules, demanding jobs, lack of support, so on and so on. Heather, the founder of Half Size Me has lost 170 lbs herself! These people made it happen, and its so inspiring and motivating. If you get inspired by people that believe in discipline and consistency I think you will like Half Size Me.

Bad At Sports:
Shout out to Duncan and Richard of the Bad at Sports podcast for being my go-to resource for all things contemporary art. Seriously, they are the foundation of reigniting my desire for being involved in the art world.  I randomly discovered this podcast through my twitter feed, and I check it out faithfully each week. Its fun, entertaining, often times vulgar but most importantly it involves me in the dialogue and discourse of the art world. I dig it alot!

Oh and this is off the subject but have you seen the video "Pranking My African Dad" my friend showed it to me the other day, and I had tears in my eyes. It was just soo silly, I love a good prank, and thankfully his dad had good sense of humor at the end. So you have to watch and let me know what you think, its so funny

After your done laughing (or not laughing, I realize I have a different sense of humor), I want to know what podcasts your listening to. Anymore you think I should add to my list? Please share in the comments .

Thanks for reading :)

1 comment

Unknown said...

There are a few podcasts I listen to on a regular basis: Elise gets crafty (mainly focus productivity, entrepreneurs, and the like, The Lively Show, Freakanomics Radio and Lady Business Radio. Also, sometimes How They Blog, the Art of Simple, Joy the Baker (it's funny) and the Marketing Lifestyle podcast. It's hard to keep up with everything plus watching and creating youtube videos and reading and writing blog posts. So many things and you know, a job! Haha! So glad I got connected with you!

Stephanie Graham, Studio Blog. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.