I'm all for trying out ideas and see where it goes, I have ideas for days, some of them are great and some of them... my friends are like Nah Steph that's not good LOL

So imagine my happiness when my girl Dee and I found ourselves once again talking about the soulful queen Anita Baker and it ended up with us joining forces and collaborating on a mixtape and pin together.

What is crazy timing is that at the same time our pin was getting complete Andre 3000 came out with an article sharing his love for Anita Baker! That was wild, read about it here, and also Andre 3000 is pretty amazing soo is just a good read.

So our project is ready and you can check it out here:

or if you are interested you can buy the pin here

and/or just go straight to Trendee's mix here

Have you ever taken an idea and ran with it?
Whats your favorite Anita Baker song? 

Would love to hear abut it, and let us know hwat you think about the mix and pin too! 

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